Thinking about Mother's Day...I wanted to share some of my favorite "Mom" moments. One of my favorite mom's is this lady...Jeanette Bartel, my grandma or better known as Mimi. She was a classy lady, who loved us unconditionally. I miss her terribly.
I'm completely in love with these older pictures of Mimi...she was so elegant, she made that terrible time of history (WWII) look desirable. 
This is how i know Mimi...sitting on the couch typical of us.
One of the first moments I held Ian...I was forever a mommy.
This was a great moment in my best friend coming with her baby to see me and my baby...hard to believe that that little boy Michelle is holding is 6 and my little guy is 5.
I was never so proud in my life but to return to that same loving couch with my baby so Mimi could hold him.
What more could i ask for....a GIRL!!!! Oh the times we'll have, tea parties, playing with dolls, and SHOPPING.
And to be able to have Megan Jeanette to be held by her namesake, well that was just frosting on the cake for me, too bad that was the last time.
Some mother's days are just bittersweet. Here my mama is trying to look happy...underneath she is choking back tears, know that her baby and her grandbabies are moving to Colorado. I miss you too Mama
Being a mom is tough get barfed on, peed on, poo'd on, you mend scaped knees, broken hearts, you cook, clean, you laugh with, cry with. You find that little voice in the middle of the night calling for you. You'll gladly have a homemade card and gift over a store bought one any day. You're excited over the first time you hear "Mama" but wonder when they'll be quiet.
I once heard a quote when talking about motherhood. "The days are long but the years are short"
Happy Mother's day to all the Mom's who are in my life. I love you all...and you all are great mommy's.
I once heard a quote when talking about motherhood. "The days are long but the years are short"
Happy Mother's day to all the Mom's who are in my life. I love you all...and you all are great mommy's.
aw what a sweet post, kate! you are truly blessed to have such wonderful mommies in your family and to be one yourself, too! hope you had a wonderful day today. i'm shocked you still have that picture of the two of us and at how small our boys were then!!