Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A binky, a bell and a baby

Sometime in the beginning of December, during our bathtub talks, Megan decided she was ready to give up her binky.  I sort of planted the seed into her head, that perhaps, we could give her binky to Santa, and Santa would give her binky to a baby who needed it.(mind you this seed was planted weeks prior to her deciding she was ready).  I know what you all are thinking...WHAT SHE STILL HAD HER BINKY!!!  Well she only had it during naps and bed time, and most of the time if fell out and she actually didn't need it to keep her asleep (that is a whole different problem on a different post). 
I had once before tried to wean her off of it, but was met with much resistance, and needing much sleep myself, i backed off, but i vowed NOT to let her have it as long as Ian had his. 
So when Megan came to me, I jumped at it, she was doing it on her terms, which is so much better. No cutesy  book about binky fairies or tossing the passy in the trashy was going to help. It was Santa and the idea of helping a baby.  And for the kicker, my Megan decided that baby was going to be baby Jesus. (i know, how sweet can you get???)
She only had one moment of doubt, that lasted for 5 seconds.  She was by far much easier than her brother to get rid of the binky. 

Her special binky...given to Santa for Baby Jesus (but for now it is in Mommy's drawer with the rest of the binkies our babies have used)
An idea from Grammy, that Santa should give Megan a special gift...a bell like the one from Polar Express, which was something she had wanted especially after watching the movie

Our big binky-free girl...but you'll always be my baby

1 comment:

  1. I think I'm going to cry now. She is growing up too fast.
